Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Hello all:

It has come to our attention that we never established an RSVP process.

First of all, it would be great if you could contact us as soon as possible. The sooner the better. Today is the last day of August, which leaves about 6 weeks until the big day.

You may contact us by any means you see fit.
Here are some examples.

1. Call Shaun, or call Julie by phone. You should have one of our phone numbers...

2. E-mail either of us at one or both of the following e-mail addresses:

3. Or you could simply leave a comment on this blog, or contact Julie via Facebook.

Next on the agenda is to answer some questions:

"What should we bring?"
Well, a good start is bringing whatever you see fit for a wedding. Bring your dancing shoes, your singing voice, a change of clothes, or clothes that will work in the elements, if need be.

You should also bring a chair of some sort if you feel like sitting down for the ceremony. We will have a few chairs, but not enough to seat everyone.

"Should we bring food?"
If you're staying more than one night with us, yes. Bring food.
If you're coming just for the ceremony...

If you'd like to bring a dish to pass, that would be excellent. Our current person count is around 55-60. If you want to bring something special just for you/your family because you have a food allergy, or a specific diet you live on, or anything like that, this is also fine. Just let someone know when you get there that it's yours by putting a note on it, or word of mouth.
We will be having some food catered, and some food BBQ'ed.

Julie eats mostly vegetarian, so there will be a veggie option, as well as a meat option. I'm not sure yet exactly what we're going to make, but as I said before, if you're a picky eater, bring your own food.

Bring your own drink as well. I'm sure we'll have water, tea, coffee and soda, but aside from that, I can't think of anything else we'll have in large quantity in the drink department.

If you don't want to bring food, this is fine too. There should be plenty to go around, or at least that is the plan.

As for alcoholic drinks, you should probably bring your own. I know some people like to drink and others don't, so please be kind to those who live a sober lifestyle. Most of the wedding party will probably be drinking, so it is by no means a "dry wedding" - but it's also not a free wedding. And honestly, we can't afford to fuel your drinking habits... we can barely afford to "party" ourselves from time to time.

"Will there be a room for me?"
I don't know. It depends on how many people get hotels, how many decide not to stay, and how many decide to crash at the houses for the night.

The most honest answer we can give is, "probably not - if you're only coming on Sunday, the night of the wedding."

We're trying to reserve rooms for the people who paid for the houses, and older folks who probably can't sleep on a blanket on the floor. We've already asked most of the younger folks to give up their beds on Sunday night out of respect, if needed... and they're happy to do that. But the last thing we want/need is an argument or disagreement on our wedding night over where people are going to sleep. So we're asking people to be respectful of one another and to be understanding.

We can't guarantee a private room and bed for everyone. We can only offer what we can offer on our wedding night, which is a place to lay your head for the evening if you don't want to make the drive back home on the same night as the ceremony.

But if you're really concerned about the sleeping situation, get yourself a nice hotel room up the road, or contact one of us about a special arrangement.

And that's about all of the recent questions we can answer right now.

If there are any other questions feel free to contact us ASAP.
And please, if you haven't already, RSVP.


Julie & Shaun

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